In a momentous win for the Myall Lakes, the 2023/24 Budget has reallocated $100 million for Stage 2 of the Manning Hospital redevelopment. This crucial funding comes from the collaborative efforts of the previous Liberal/ National Government and Tanya Thompson, the Member for Myall Lakes.
Mrs Thompson, expressed her gratitude for this funding, “I am thrilled to see the reallocation of $100 million for Stage 2 of the Manning Hospital Redevelopment in this year’s budget.” She continued, “Improved health services including infrastructure has been my top priority, and I have fought to have this funding reallocated in the 2023/24 Budget. While we acknowledge the Labor Governments support for Stage 2, it’s important to recognise that this commitment was initially made by the Coalition Government.”
Stage 1 of the Manning Hospital Redevelopment was completed under the Coalition Government. It delivered enhanced cancer care services, renal dialysis services, medical imaging services, and a refurbished hospital main entrance.
“Stage 1 saw the arrival of Manning Hospital’s first MRI machine, offering state-of-the-art medical imaging services. This milestone has improved the lives of countless residents by reducing the need to travel to larger centres for essential healthcare services,” said Thompson.
The combined financial commitment for Stages 1 and 2 stands at $140 million, with the Coalition Government initially allocating funding for both stages. Myall Lakes residents were given their first look of the Stage 2 redevelopment when the master plan was unveiled in January 2022.
Planning showed that Stage 2 will provide contemporary facilities to support best practice models of care, improve access around the hospital, and better connect services. It will also create a seamless integration of new and upgraded clinical facilities into the future.
The project includes a new hospital building, a two-story clinical spine, expansion of inpatient resources, improved drop-off and front-of-house areas, an integrated back-of-house, and upgrades to essential hospital infrastructure.
“Given the Stage 3 Redevelopment was not included in this budget, it’s important to ensure all services can be delivered within this $100 million budget. Ideally, I would like to see improved theatre facilities with cardiac services implemented into the Clinical Services Plan and I look forward to working with clinicians, Hunter New England Health and Health Infrastructure on the project and will keep the community updated as we progress through the process,“ Mrs Thompson said.
“I’m proud to have played a role in securing this funding for the Manning Hospital Redevelopment – Stage 2 and I will continue to advocate for the Stage 3 redevelopment of the Manning Hospital and the reinstatement of funding for the Forster Public Hospital to ensure the healthcare needs of the Myall Lakes are met,” Mrs Thompson concluded.